Support Us - Launching December
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  • Hassle Free - We take care of all the processing and regulations
  • Secure - We handle all of the security hassles for the payment processing
  • Easy To Add - Simple REST API
  • Free To Use - No cost to add this feature

Current Influence Campaigns

You Contact Congress

You're users are upset at their representatives in Congress. They use your service to contact them.

Their representative easily ignores the feedback and tosses out the grievance.

Rep Ignores You

VoteDown Powered Campaigns

Voter Contact Congress

You add VoteDown to your service to amplify your message by pairing it with money donated against them.

Now, the Representatives can't ignore your users and have to take the issue seriously.

Reps Listen To You


  • Donations Against
  • Tracking + Reporting
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Payment Processing
  • Emails To Supporters
  • 1 Account Admin
  • Email Tech Support
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  • Donations Against
  • Tracking + Reporting
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Payment Processing
  • Emails To Supporters
  • Up to 10 Account Admins
  • Premium Tech Support
  • Detailed Reports On Donations
  • Custom Email Templates
  • First 30 Days Free
($2000/yr if paid yearly)
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Representative Meeting

It's Time For Our Representatives To Stand With Us