Support Us - Launching December
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Your support will help VoteDown in its non-profit mission to make American Democracy responsive to the will of the voters.
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About Us
What is is an innovative online platform that connects citizens with their elected representatives in a way that ensures that the representatives will actually pay attention. We are working to break the stranglehold that special interests and lobbyists have over our legislative process and return democracy back to the people.
How does work? provides a user-friendly interface where users can donate against a politician who is not representing the voter's interests. Donors can highlight issues they care about and we will communicate that information to the representative along with the details of the donation.

We then hold that money until the representative's next election and then give it to their leading opponent. This combination of immediate feedback and guaranteed contribution against them forces the representatives to pay attention to the needs of their constituents instead of just the lobbyists trying to influence them.
Is my personal information secure on
Absolutely. We take user privacy and data security seriously. Your payment information is encrypted and stored securely, and we adhere to the highest industry standards to safeguard your data in transit and storage.
How does engage elected officials? provides a platform for elected officials to access aggregated donation and sentiment data and gain insights into their constituents' strongly held opinions. This allows them to make more informed decisions and better represent the interests of their community. Combining opinions on issues with donations against lets the representatives know that you care about the issue deeply, making them sit up and pay attention.
Is politically biased?
No, is committed to maintaining a neutral and non-partisan stance. Our goal is to provide a platform that encourages open dialogue and constructive engagement among citizens of all political backgrounds.

Our goal is a democracy more responsive to the average citizen and less influenced by lobbyists and big money donors, regardless of party or ideology.
How does it work?
Simple. When your representatives act in ways contrary to your interest, instead of sending an email or letter, or making a phone call or even protesting (all of which will be ignored), just go to, look up the representative and donate against them, citing your issues. We will aggregate those and communicate it to the representative for you. That's it.

Oh, and please tell your friends!
How can I get involved with VoteDown as a donor?
As a non-profit, your support is crucial to our mission. You can contribute financially to help us continue developing and expanding the platform. Additionally, consider spreading the word about to amplify its impact and increase civic participation.
What is VoteDown's long-term vision?
Our long-term vision is to revolutionize how citizens interact with their government in the United States. We aim to become the go-to platform for transparent communication between constituents and elected officials, fostering a more responsive and accountable democratic process.
How can I trust that my donation will be used effectively? is committed to transparency and accountability. We do not take any of the actual donation for our use - 100% of your donation is given to the opponent of the politician you oppose.

We do charge a separate small processing fee to cover credit card fees and processing costs for the platform, but that will be clearly spelled out during the donation process, so there is no confusion.
Can I volunteer or contribute in ways other than financial support?
Yes, we welcome volunteers and advocates who are passionate about enhancing civic engagement. You can help by spreading awareness, engaging on social media, or assisting with community outreach initiatives.

With our Campaigns feature, you can add VoteDown's powerful communication mechanism to your next political protest initiative, amplifying your voice on your issue and getting the attention of the politicians.

Contact us to explore various ways you can contribute.
What is the geographic scope of
While our current focus is on Federal officials (Senators and Representatives), we hope to expand our function to state and local races across the United States in the coming years. We believe that transparent communication between citizens and their representatives is a fundamental aspect of democracy.
How can I stay updated on VoteDown's progress?
You can stay informed about our progress by subscribing to our newsletter, following us on social media platforms, and visiting our website regularly. We provide timely updates on new features, partnerships, and milestones.
How can I contact VoteDown if I have further questions?
Feel free to reach out to us through the contact information provided on our website. We value your inquiries and feedback and are always happy to assist you in any way we can.
How Does It Work
How do I donate against a candidate?
Simple. When your representatives act in ways contrary to your interest, instead of sending an email or letter, or making a phone call or even protesting (all of which will be ignored), just go to, look up the representative and donate against them, citing your issues. We will aggregate those and communicate it to the representative for you. That's it.

Oh, and please tell your friends!
If I donate against my politician, who gets the money?
When you use VoteDown to donate against a politician, you can choose to donate against them in either the primary or general election. We will then hold those funds until 90 days before the election that you chose, and then see who the leading opponent is for the race.

We then bundle all of the donations against that representative together and send it directly to the leading opponent's campaign for them to use.
I am a passionate Democract/Republican and don't want to give money to the other party. What do I do?
We know that people want to support their party, but still want to influence their elected representatives. In that case, you can simply support the next opponent in the primary election, allowing you to register your outrage while not giving money to a party you oppose
How can I trust VoteDown?
VoteDown PAC is an FEC registered Political Action Committee, ensuring that every donation that we receive and bundle is reported to the Federal Election Commission and tracked. We are a non-profit dedicated to improving civic engagement and making representatives accountable to their constituents.
How do I know the money will fund someone I like? Can I take the money back if I don't like them?
No, we cannot return the money once it is donated as it is pledged to the candidate.

Please keep in mind that the primary reason for the donation is not to help elect the opponent, but to register your outrage with the CURRENT representative to get them to be more responsive to your needs.
What is the "Processing Fee"?
VoteDown is committed to transparency and accountability. We do not take any of the actual donation for our use - 100% of your donation is given to the opponent of the politician you oppose.

We do charge a separate small processing fee to cover credit card fees and processing costs for the platform, but that will be clearly spelled out during the donation process, so there is no confusion.