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Don Bacon

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Nebraska's 2nd District
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09/02/2024 --cbsnews
Rep. Angie Craig, in a competitive race to keep her House seat, believes Walz, as the VP nominee, can help her win reelection.
08/30/2024 --journalstar
U.S. Rep. Don Bacon asserted Thursday he did nothing wrong in intervening to help former President Donald Trump’s media company obtain a hard-to-obtain foreign worker visa for a company executive.
08/29/2024 --axios
Democrats in Congress are scrambling for ways to publicly dredge up as much information as possible about an altercation between Trump staffers and an Arlington National Cemetery official.Why it matters: The incident has been dogging the ex-president's candidacy this week, with one House Armed Services Committee member telling Axios he's trying to get his panel to formally investigate the matter.Rep. Pat Ryan (D-N.Y.) said in a statement to Axios: "In the coming days, I'll be talking with my Congressional colleagues – especially military veterans, from both sides of the aisle – about the proper next steps to ensure oversight and accountability."Ryan, an Army veteran who served in Iraq, called Trump's behavior a "disgrace," adding, "This is sacred ground. We must not allow anyone to sully it with campaign theatrics."Zoom in: Several House Democrats also called for the cemetery to release its incident report about the altercation."As a member of the Armed Services Committee, I am troubled by the reporting and want to see the incident report," Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) said in a statement to Axios.Kaine's statement comes after Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), a senior House Oversight Committee member, urged the cemetery to "publicly release all that transpired" during the visit.The latest: A U.S. Army spokesperson said Thursday that an ANC employee was "abruptly pushed aside" Monday while trying to enforce a political activity ban that prohibits campaign photography on cemetery grounds.The Trump campaign told Axios' Mike Allen it is "weighing options" for releasing footage of the altercation after spokesperson Steven Cheung blasted what he described as "defamatory claims" about it.The cemetery said Wednesday that a "report was filed" on the incident, though the Army said the employee has declined to press charges.Catch up quick: Trump was visiting the cemetery to commemorate the third anniversary of the 2021 Abbey Gate bombing at the invitation of families of several of the U.S. service members killed in the attack.The Trump campaign has insisted it was granted permission to have its photographer present at a section of the cemetery where recent U.S. casualties are buried.Zoom out: The incident has drawn widespread rebukes from Democratic lawmakers, with veterans in particular calling it out."Arlington is sacred ground and all visitors should take the time to learn the rules of decorum that ensure the proper respect is given to the fallen and their families," said Rep. Jared Golden (D-Maine), a Marine veteran in a seat Trump won in 2020.Connolly said releasing details of the incident would "ensure the ground in which our nation's heroes are buried is not being debased by a man who has no concept of service and sacrifice."The other side: Many Republicans, including some in tough reelection fights, are leaping to Trump's defense.Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.), a former Air Force brigadier general in a Biden 2020 district, told Axios: "The families appreciated Trump being there.""I know Arlington is sacred ground and care should be given to follow the rules. In this case, ill error on the side of the families who were devastated by Biden's withdrawal and the loss of their loved ones," he added.Rep. Mike Waltz (R-Fla.), an Army veteran who was present at the ceremony, said on Fox Business he has taken photos during previous visits to the cemetery, saying "this was apparently some rule buried somewhere that was selectively brought up."
08/29/2024 --journalstar
Nebraska's congressional delegation offered a gloomy assessment of the state's economic outlook Thursday at an annual gathering of business, agricultural and government leaders.
08/29/2024 --salon
A former GOP aide says she intervened on company's behalf even though she thought it was inappropriate
08/22/2024 --foxnews
The Trump campaign gave journalists a letter it published on X and sent to Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz blasting him over claims of stolen valor.
08/17/2024 --journalstar
"I have to admit it feels pretty good to be back home," Tim Walz said as he took the stage Saturday in his visit to his native state.
07/18/2024 --journalstar
Former Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse announced Thursday he will step down as president of the University of Florida at the end of the month because of his wife's health issues.
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