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09/06/2024 --rawstory
Former President Donald Trump walked away victorious in his first presidential debate in June against President Joe Biden — but his campaign doesn't expect it will be so easy in next week's debate with Vice President Kamala Harris.According to Axios, Trump campaign manager Chris LaCivita told House Republicans "they're anticipating a 'fine' performance from VP Harris during Tuesday's debate" — but, on the other hand, LaCivita "noted that Harris has less recent live interview or debate experience than Trump," which would be a point of hope for them.In the same session, Republicans expressed more optimism about their chances of winning a Senate majority, where the map is skewed dramatically in their favor due to the specific seats up for election, and of defending their House majority despite a cash disadvantage against Democrats.The first presidential debate, hosted in Atlanta by CNN, was widely considered to be a disaster for Biden, as his faltering performance and low energy convinced a critical mass of Democratic voters and leadership that he wasn't up to the task of running another campaign.ALSO READ: Why Trump’s Arlington controversy is actually a crimeThis ultimately led to him exiting the race and endorsing Harris as his successor, a move that caught the Trump campaign by surprise, as they had planned their entire campaign around going after Biden's fitness.Re-negotiating the debate schedule became a significant hangup after Harris took over as the Democratic nominee, but ultimately Trump agreed to move forward with debates, and Harris agreed to maintain the format where microphones would be shut off for the candidate not currently answering questions — a format Biden had originally negotiated, but backfired on him as it prevented Trump from going off-script.
09/06/2024 --rawstory
Russian state media this week asked for a welcoming hand to be extended to a group of right-wing media influencers who were caught up as unwitting dupes in an alleged illegal Russian influence scheme this week.As reported by Julia Davis at The Daily Beast, Russian state TV host Vladimir Solovyov appeared "notably shaken" by the DOJ indictment of two Russian operatives for funneling money to right-wing media companies in the United States in exchange for airing pro-Kremlin propaganda.In particular, Solovyov feared that former Fox News star Tucker Carlson, who infamously filmed a propaganda video praising a high-end grocery store in Moscow, would be the next domino to fall.In fact, Solovyov went so far as to encourage Russian President Vladimir Putin to extend an offer of asylum to Carlson, as well as MAGA influencers Tim Pool, Dave Rubin, and Benny Johnson all of whom were secretly paid hefty sums of money in exchange for peddling Kremlin propaganda.RELATED: Trump rails against DOJ for indicting Russians for election interferenceThe Russian media figures also expressed concern for Dimitri Simes, the former Trump adviser who was charged by the DOJ this week for working with sanctioned Russian media operations."Solovyov and [Karen] Shakhnazarov pointed out the ties between Simes and Trump, which landed the Russian state TV host in the Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election," reports Davis. "Shakhnazarov claimed that Simes and Trump are still communicating—and by indicting Simes, the Department of Justice is actually striking at Trump."
09/06/2024 --rawstory
Republican former Vice President Dick Cheney will cast his ballot in November for the current Democratic Vice President, Kamala Harris, according to his daughter, Republican former U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney.Dick Cheney, now 83, is also a former U.S. Secretary of Defense, U.S. Congressman, White House Chief of Staff, and the first-ever White House Deputy Chief of Staff. (To put that in perspective, that was exactly 50 years ago. There are currently now three Deputy Chiefs of Staff.) He is from a generation ago and possibly not well-known to many Americans. A hard-core Republican, during his time in the public eye and behind the scenes in the White House as President George W. Bush’s Vice President, Cheney was reviled by many Democrats, especially for his role in what the Bush administration would come to call “the Global War on Terrorism.”But Friday, at the annual Texas Tribune Festival, The Atlantic’s Mark Lebovitz interviewed the former Vice President’s daughter (full video), who also served as Vice Chair for the U.S. House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack.“Dick Cheney, your father, a beloved figure among Democrats for many, many years,” Lebovitz said, joking (video below). “Do you, if you know, who he will be supporting or who will be voting for? Do you care to share with us who he will be voting for?”READ MORE: ‘Traitor’ Trump Trashed for Response to DOJ Kremlin Cash and Russia Disinfo Indictments“Dick Cheney will be voting for Kamala Harris,” Liz Cheney replied, to howls and cheers from the audience. She had endorsed Harris for President earlier this week, and became one of hundreds of prominent Republicans who publicly have said they will not just not vote for Donald Trump, but will vote for Harris for President.“If you think about the moment we’re in, and you think about how serious this moment is, my dad believes — and he said publicly — there has never been an individual in our country who is as grave a threat to our democracy as Donald Trump is,” Cheney explained, as The Texas Tribune reported.Two years ago Liz Cheney posted video of her father endorsing her bid for re-election, and denouncing Donald Trump.She continued her remarks on Friday, explaining that, “obviously Vice President Harris and I have had and have policy disagreements on some issues, but I have been really impressed watching, for example, the Democratic Convention, listening to her speech at that convention, learning about her life story, learning about, you know, the story of her success, and the the extent to which it’s an American story and and I think we all have to walk ourselves back from this abyss that we’ve looked over in our politics and and work together to build a better future for this country.”The former Congresswoman lost her seat over her opposition to Donald Trump and her participation and leadership on the January 6 Committee. On Friday she went even further in announcing her endorsements.“One of the most important things we need to do as a country as we begin to rebuild our politics is we need to elect serious people,” Cheney continued. “Here in Texas, you guys do have a tremendous, serious candidate running for U.S. Senate.”READ MORE: ‘Incoherent Gibberish’: Experts Trash Trump’s ‘Incomprehensible’ Answer to Policy Question“It’s not Ted Cruz,” she said, announcing her support for Texas Democratic U.S. Rep. Colin Allred for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by the GOP Senator.“Imagine telling yourself in the early oughts that Dick Cheney would one day endorse the Democratic candidate for president because the GOP’s 2024 nominee poses an existential threat to American democracy,” remarked Democratic strategist DJ Koessler. “The stakes in this election are truly historic.”Political scientist David Darmofal commented, Kamala Harris’s “coalition now extends from AOC to Dick Cheney. She’s a uniter, not a divider.”
09/05/2024 --foxnews
The DOJ announced new efforts to crack down on election interference on Wednesday, but Republicans say they are “skeptical" of the new moves so close to the November election.
09/02/2024 --kron4
Congress returns Sept. 9 for a three-week sprint, during which lawmakers will face key legislative deadlines and work to push their political messages before departing again for campaign season. Political pressure and considerations could complicate how Congress addresses must-pass items. The legislative dash will also be a prime time for lawmakers to push messages that [...]
08/28/2024 --unionleader
Two foreign nationals have been charged with making hoax bomb threats and false emergency reports targeting dozens of American citizens, including state and federal officials in Georgia and around the nation.
08/28/2024 --axios
Ohio Sen. JD Vance is once again facing scrutiny for unsurfaced comments about people who aren't parents: This time blasting a teachers union president for not having "some of her own" children. Why it matters: In a race framed as the boys v. girls election, the GOP's VP nominee has found himself at the center of widespread criticism over several resurfaced comments about women and family, with arguably the most infamous being his 2021 dig at "childless cat ladies" on the left.He's faced repeated questioning over his comment about "childless" women and has repeatedly characterized it as a sarcastic joke underscoring his view of an "anti-family" country and Democratic party.The latest: Speaking at a Center for Christian Virtue leadership forum in October 2021 alongside other Ohio Senate candidates, Vance took aim at the education system. "So many of the leaders of the left, and I hate to be so personal about this, but they're people without kids, trying to brainwash the minds of our children," Vance said.He singled out Randi Weingarten, the head of the American Federation of Teachers, saying she "doesn't have a single child." Weingarten described herself as a "mother by marriage" after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) similarly suggested the union president was not a mother during a congressional hearing."If she wants to brainwash and destroy the mind of children, she should have some of her own and leave ours the hell alone," Vance continued.Zoom out: The American Federation of Teachers endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris' presidential bid last month.Friction point: Weingarten reposted Kamala HQ's clip of the audio shared to X and condemned Vance's jab as "gross!""JD Vance's comments are sad and insulting to millions of modern families, and school teachers including Catholic nuns, none of whom should be targeted for their family decisions," she wrote.Weingarten married her wife, Rabbi Sharon Anne Kleinbaum, who has two daughters, in 2018.Liz Shuler, the president of the AFL-CIO, also slammed Vance's comments, saying they "show his true colors: a sexist, anti-woman blowhard who doesn't have a clue what's best for America's students."The other side: Taylor Van Kirk, a spokeswoman for Vance, said in a statement provided to Axios that there are "a lot of great teachers across the country," at whom the VP nominee's criticism was not directed."There is no bigger threat to American children than the left wing indoctrination being forced on our schools by elites like Randi Weingarten, with the support of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz," the statement read.Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) made a similar dig at Weingarten in 2021, arguing she "doesn't even have children—what does she know about raising and teaching kids?"The big picture: These unearthed comments mark yet another moment in the GOP ticket's series of digs disparaging women caught — or publicly said — on tape.And as Vance tries to find his footing as Trump's policy attack dog, he might have to go back on clean-up duty to address personal jabs once again.Go deeper: Some Republicans express buyer's remorse over Vance VP pick
08/28/2024 --npr
Vice President Harris and running mate Tim Walz just kicked off on a two-day bus tour in Georgia. The state President Biden narrowly won in 2020 is again in play.
08/28/2024 --rollcall
An indictment unsealed Wednesday described “swatting“ attempts against government officials and threats to detonate explosives at the Capitol.
08/24/2024 --dailyprogress
My first day let me know that this job wasn't going to be the kind of summer internship where I made copies.
08/21/2024 --rollcall
Delaware State Sen. Sarah McBride, a Democrat running for the state’s open Congressional seat, attends the Democratic National Convention at the United Center in Chicago on Tuesday.
08/20/2024 --chicagotribune
The last time a tan suit made political waves, it was also late August, and the person wearing it was President Barack Obama.
08/20/2024 --timescall
McBride’s would-be colleagues have introduced 75 anti-trans bills this Congress.
08/12/2024 --salon
Now is the time to press the attack even more and show no mercy
07/31/2024 --kron4
Hard-line conservatives in the House left Washington frustrated that Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) didn't uphold his promises on pushing through spending legislation — though they did not necessarily blame him. Johnson has now been in his post longer than his predecessor, who was ousted in part due to frustration with how he handled spending issues. [...]
07/30/2024 --rawstory
Donald Trump's campaign intervened in the non-profit Heritage Foundation's "Project 2025" to shut down the operation after it began reflecting badly on his candidacy. Non-profits are prohibited from coordinating with political campaigns, the IRS website says. Trump's campaign immediately released a furious statement saying they had nothing to do with plan director Paul Dans' ousting. "Trump Campaign issues a nasty statement after Project 2025 Director resigns, which clearly proves they were the ones who demanded it and are only upset about it because it was so unpopular with the public," quipped MeidasTouch editor Ron Filipkowski.Read also: ‘Creepy weirdos’: Senator fears Trump WH staff would destroy government from ‘inside’Indeed, the angry statement continued to deny any involvement. "President Trump’s campaign has been very clear for over a year that Project 2025 had nothing to do with the campaign, did not speak for the campaign, and should not associated with the campaign or the President in any way," the statement from the campaign said.“Reports of Project 2025’s demise would be greatly welcomed and should serve as notice to anyone or any group trying to misrepresent their influence with President Trump and his campaign— it will not end well for you," it also claimed. Meanwhile, Heritage Foundation director Kevin Roberts said in comments on X that Project 2025 is still alive and well, and so is Dans. He's merely moving to a different role. It prompted political analysts and experts to quickly post the gif from "The Brady Bunch Movie" with Marsha saying, "Sure, Jan.""It's just too little too late," was another gif posted by national security lawyer Bradley Moss. Others pointed out Trump's frequent denial that he had nothing to do with Project 2025 and knew nothing about it. The fact that his campaign was involved in shoving Dans out would not only cause tax status for the Heritage Foundation. "So, Paul Dans of the Heritage Foundation is OUT," posted Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson on X. "Dans was a key author of Project 2025. It's almost as if...and say it with me, folks...Everything Trump Touches Dies.""In a desperate attempt to distance himself from Project 2025, Trump is threatening 'it will not end well for' anyone calling out his ties to that MAGA manifesto," The Lincoln Project said in a comment from the group. "Anyways, here's a thread of all the Project 2025 creators Trump claims he doesn't know, but have ties to his admin."Former short-lived White House communications director and one-Trump adviser Anthony Scaramucci also mocked the statement. "Guys we were just kidding our full on rascist fascist movement (Project 2025) isn’t popular so we are going to pretend it doesn’t exist. The lies will continue until morale improves. Trump is going to lose the election. Cry now to prepare yourself," he posted on X. "They’ll take pieces of it and just move it into the campaign. The unpopular stuff they’ll pretend it never existed and Trump will continue to distance himself. Bad dudes," he also said.Reporter Brian Karem agreed, noting, "in the best MAGA/Project 2025 fashion threatens anyone who won't buy their latest b.s. by saying it 'won't end well' for them. The tragic, dark comedy of MAGA continues."
07/27/2024 --foxnews
The House of Representatives is on recess until Sept. 9 – exactly three weeks ahead of the deadline to fund the government in the next fiscal year.
07/26/2024 --sharonherald
AS of 2014, more than half of Congress members were millionaires. While the cast of characters changes every two years, that figure remains stubbornly around 50%.
07/24/2024 --latimes
Will the coconut and 'brat summer' memes pay off for Kamala Harris? Young progressive voters try to harness a viral moment.
07/24/2024 --startribune
Conspiracy theorists have been able to fill the information void with their own versions of the truth.
07/24/2024 --kron4
House Republicans are canceling votes next week and starting their August recess early as the party struggles to pass its remaining annual government funding bills. GOP leadership confirmed the schedule change on Wednesday, a day before the last votes of the month are now expected. The House is scheduled to return in early September. Leaders [...]
07/23/2024 --westernjournal
With just a single day of congressional grilling in the books — and more on the docket — it appears Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle has had enough. The embattled [...]The post Breaking: Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Is Out a Day After Disastrous House Hearing appeared first on The Western Journal.
07/23/2024 --westernjournal
If you’ve bought a carton of milk since last week, there’s a good chance a picture of our current president is on the side of it, along with the question, [...]The post Watch: Did Harris Call Biden or Play a Recording? She Might Have Made a Brutal Slip-Up appeared first on The Western Journal.
07/20/2024 --rawstory
On Saturday morning on MSNBC, former prosecutor Katie Phang and ex-RNC chair Michael Steele both suggested there was more than a hint of collusion that led to U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida Judge Aileen Cannon to issue her ruling dismissing the obstruction of justice charges filed against Donald Trump on the same day the Republican National Convention convened.Phang, appearing on Steele's "The Weekend," said the timing was very suspicious coming from a judge most famous for dragging her feet on the DOJ case filed against the man who placed her on the bench with a lifetime appointment.Noting that Cannon's opinion that special counsel Jack Smith was unconstitutionally appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland was the basis for the dismissal of the case related to stolen government documents hoarded at Mar-a-Lago, ex-prosecutor Phang said everything about Cannon's performance deserves scrutiny.RELATED: 'Judicial malpractice': Judge Cannon accused of boosting 'wacky or unfounded arguments'Add to that, the timing of the dismissal."Why not dispose of that issue in February? We hear the oral argument including friends of the court which never happens," she began. "This is at the end of June, the beginning of July and then she sits on a 93-page opinion for that long?""But the reality is once [Supreme Court Justice] Clarence Thomas gave her the green light to file her dismissal, that is when she did it," she added. "And for her to drop that on the first day of the RNC stinks. Something is rotten in Denmark, and I'm going to say it is Aileen Cannon."Host Steele agreed, interjecting, "I am with you on that one because the timing and the process, the level of, you know, coordination is the only word that comes to mind."Watch below or at the link. MSNBC 07 20 2024 09 42
07/19/2024 --huffpost
“The world witnessed undeniable video proof of God at work,” read one pamphlet at the Republican National Convention.
11/11/2023 --politico
It already seems unlikely the spending plan could pass the House, with the new speaker saying they would need Democrats to support it.
11/11/2023 --politico
The bilingual millennial outsider from New York took inspiration from another bilingual millennial outsider from New York.
11/09/2023 --denverpost
I’m not a public relations expert, but this seems non compos mentis, that is, mad, cray-cray, barmy, nuts. Their association with the Colorado Republican Party discredits the party of Lincoln and Reagan. It’s like Williams and company want Colorado to go a deeper shade of blue.
11/09/2023 --denverpost
I’m not a public relations expert, but this seems non compos mentis, that is, mad, cray-cray, barmy, nuts. Their association with the Colorado Republican Party discredits the party of Lincoln and Reagan. It’s like Williams and company want Colorado to go a deeper shade of blue.
11/04/2023 --politico
"Biden, support a ceasefire now or don’t count on us in 2024,” text cards following Tlaib’s video message read.
11/04/2023 --denverpost
Ken Buck has gained national prominence as a Republican congressman fed up with Donald Trump’s lies about the 2020 election he lost to Democrat Joe Biden. Buck is also critical of the Trump allies who have proliferated the House with a fervor fed by their social media clout. And the Colorado lawmaker and former federal prosecutor probably will be a prominent foil to the Republican impeachment inquiry into Biden, saying the case lacks evidence. Buck has become an increasingly lonely voice among House Republicans. He says he's frustrated by House politics and that he won't seek reelection next year.
11/04/2023 --mercurynews
Ken Buck has gained national prominence as a Republican congressman fed up with Donald Trump’s lies about the 2020 election he lost to Democrat Joe Biden. Buck is also critical of the Trump allies who have proliferated the House with a fervor fed by their social media clout. And the Colorado lawmaker and former federal prosecutor probably will be a prominent foil to the Republican impeachment inquiry into Biden, saying the case lacks evidence. Buck has become an increasingly lonely voice among House Republicans. He says he's frustrated by House politics and that he won't seek reelection next year.
11/03/2023 --politico
The GOP needs foot soldiers, not just cabinet secretaries. American Moment is making sure they’re ready for January 2025.
11/03/2023 --politico
The GOP needs foot soldiers, not just cabinet secretaries. American Moment is making sure they’re ready for January 2025.
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