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Jacob LaTurner

Jake LaTurner Image
Kansas's 2nd District
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08/06/2024 --nbcnews
Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., has lost her primary, handing a pro-Israel group another victory against a member of the progressive “squad” of lawmakers.
08/06/2024 --foxnews
Current Rep. Jake LaTurner left the congressional seat open after announcing he was not seeking re-election
08/06/2024 --rollcall
Rep. Sharice Davids, D-Kan., and Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., conduct a news conference on June 23, 2022.
08/02/2024 --rollcall
Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., leaves a meeting of the House Democratic Caucus on July 9.
08/02/2024 --abcnews
Kansas voters will choose their parties’ nominees for the U.S. House, the state legislature and the state Board of Education in primaries next week
07/22/2024 --huffpost
Several GOP members flirted with conspiracy theories that have been percolating on social media since the shooting.
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Service Launching By The End Of 2024

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