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09/05/2024 --citizentribune
Former Republican Rep. Liz Cheney says she'll be voting for Democrat Kamala Harris for president. Cheney made that announcement at an event at Duke University in North Carolina on Wednesday night. Cheney was a conservative Republican who co-chaired the committee...
09/04/2024 --dailycaller
'the danger that Trump poses'
09/04/2024 --abcnews
Former Republican Rep. Liz Cheney says she'll be voting for Democrat Kamala Harris for president
09/04/2024 --axios
President Joe Biden is reportedly set to block U.S. Steel's sale to Japan's Nippon Steel.Why it matters: The $14.9 billion deal, opposed from the start by the United Steelworkers union, has faced fierce bipartisan opposition with presidential candidates courting the labor vote in Pennsylvania, where U.S. Steel is based.Zoom in: Biden's move to block the deal, expected in the next few days, will be based on national security grounds, the Financial Times reports. The Washington Post was first to report Biden's intentions Wednesday afternoon.The intrigue: CFIUS, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, has been investigating the deal's impact on national security.Japan is a key U.S. ally, not the kind of threat that CFIUS typically guards against.But the Nippon deal has apparently drawn concerns. The FT reports that the committee has already told Nippon that such threats could not be overcome.What they're saying: "CFIUS hasn't transmitted a recommendation to the President, and that's the next step in this process," a White House official tells Axios.Meanwhile, efforts to push this deal through have only intensified since Monday when Kamala Harris said U.S. Steel "should remain American-owned and American operated."Previously, Donald Trump said he'd stop the deal if elected, though as Axios' Dan Primack notes, it's scheduled to close prior to inauguration day.But both Nippon and U.S. Steel are wielding sticks and carrots to make this happen in spite of the politics.U.S. Steel earlier Wednesday warned in a statement that without the deal, the company will close plants and move its headquarters out of state. It would put "thousands of good-paying jobs at risk."Nippon, meanwhile, has announced that it would invest billions above the deal terms in the company.And on Wednesday, it announced more sweeteners, pledging in a release that U.S. citizens would make up the majority of the newly formed U.S. Steel's board post-acquisition.The stepped up efforts led to a bizarre "rally" of U.S. Steel workers in Pittsburgh this afternoon, gathered by the company outside its headquarters to show support for the beleaguered deal.But this wasn't a union thing. The Steelworkers called out the company's moves late Wednesday morning."Today's pathetic attempt to orchestrate a rally in downtown Pittsburgh shows that U.S. Steel is becoming increasingly desperate to save the deal," United Steelworkers president David McCall said in a press release.What they're saying: It's not so unusual for a company to use workers to political ends at rallies or other events, says John Logan, a labor historian at San Francisco State University.Back in 2012, workers at an Ohio coal mind told reporters that they showed up at a rally for Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney when asked by management, for fear of losing their jobs.What's next: Timing on Biden's announcement is unclear. Harris will be in Pittsburgh Thursday for a rally.After that, any effort to block the deal could end up in litigation. U.S. Steel shares are tumbled on the news, closing down over 17% Wednesday.This report updates U.S. Steel's stock price movement Wednesday.
09/01/2024 --nbcnews
Elon Musk’s endorsement of Donald Trump was meant to buoy the candidate’s chances. But Democrats have zeroed in on the pairing.
09/01/2024 --abcnews
A few months ago, Utah Gov. Spencer Cox was one of the few prominent Republicans consistently keeping his distance from Donald Trump
08/31/2024 --rawstory
Donald Trump on Saturday posted in all-caps that his political opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, "NEVER WORKED" at McDonald's, as Harris claims.Harris has stated that she worked for McDonald's when she was very young to help make ends meet. Specifically, she has said that she worked a summer job at McDonald's after her freshman year of college.Raw Story recently reported on a right-wing editor who was ridiculed for a purported investigation into Harris' past employment at McDonald's, with the report noting that her resume didn't include the job. Numerous people pointed out that it would be unlikely for anyone to include a job like that on a resume for the jobs she sought.ALSO READ: Why Trump’s Arlington controversy is actually a crimeOver the weekend, Trump picked up the baton on that story, taking to his own social media network, Truth Social, to weigh in on it."Comrade Kamala Harris lied about working at McDonalds," Trump wrote Saturday. "SHE NEVER WORKED THERE, they think she’s 'nuts.'"He added, "Likewise, she lied about Fracking, the Border, Crime, the Economy, and the Democrat’s 'Suckers and Losers' HOAX, concerning our great military. She also lied about Arlington Cemetery and Afghanistan. She lies about everything!!! DJT"
08/27/2024 --oanow
The Biden administration offered federal resources to Trump and Harris for presidential transition planning for the first time Tuesday, with experts suggesting both are behind in preparing.
08/27/2024 --express
Former aides to George HW Bush, George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney signed an open letter endorsing Harris and Walz.
08/27/2024 --chicagotribune
More than 200 staffers for four previous Republican presidential nominees have endorsed Democrat Kamala Harris’ White House bid.
08/24/2024 --observer_reporter
Many voters are uninformed about the history and meaning of the political system that is fundamental to our constitutional republic and now under attack— liberal democracy. Our form of government confers rights to the individual, is egalitarian and universal. This commentary will attempt to demystify liberal democracy by comparing it to other democratic alternatives. American [...]
08/23/2024 --itemlive
Spenser HasakLet’s return for a moment to the two conventions now concluded and consider one of the important things that didn’t happen — and what that omission tells us about the two parties. At the Democratic convention were Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, who together accounted for 16 years in the White House (1993-2001 and 2009-2017), [...]The post Shribman: Conventional thinking appeared first on Itemlive.
08/23/2024 --citizentribune
Would she be there or not? Beyoncé, not Kamala Harris. The vice president introduced herself to the country she hopes to lead in the climactic moment of the Democratic convention Thursday after an oddly anticipatory evening where people wondered whether...
08/23/2024 --citizentribune
The Democratic National Convention’s fourth and final night Thursday crescendoed with a speech from Vice President Kamala Harris. After a week of Democrats’ most prominent figures rallying the party faithful, Harris accepted her party’s nomination for president during a speech...
08/20/2024 --stltoday
The majority of itemized donations to Kunce and Hawley come from outside the state, making up more than half of the total each has raised.
08/19/2024 --democratherald
The yearlong probe by Republicans stops short of alleging any criminal wrongdoing by the president over his son Hunter Biden's business dealings.
08/16/2024 --nypost
Kamala Harris’ emergence as the Democratic presidential nominee has upended the race. She now leads in most national polls and in many recent swing state polls. Momentum is clearly on her side.
08/16/2024 --delcotimes
The presidency is not a game of tiddlywinks. A president cannot simply pout when things aren’t going his (or her!) way. New and challenging situations arise constantly in our world and in our country.
08/16/2024 --troyrecord
JD Vance repeatedly expressed alarm about declining birth rates as he launched his political career with a bid for the U.S. Senate in Ohio.
08/12/2024 --motherjones
On the morning of August 3, 2019, a 21-year-old man walked into a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, and opened fire with a semiautomatic rifle. He murdered 23 people and injured 22 others. Most who died were Latino, including eight people from Mexico. The gunman had driven to the border city from 650 miles away. [...]
08/08/2024 --pressherald
Walz should relish his fleeting celebrity while he can.
08/07/2024 --startribune
Vice presidential picks get far too much prognosticative attention.
08/04/2024 --foxnews
Vice President Kamala Harris is expected to announce her 2024 presidential running mate, with contenders such as Mark Kelly, Andy Beshear and Josh Shapiro leading the pool.
08/04/2024 --foxnews
Barack Obama began his career in politics as a senator in Illinois. He went on to serve two terms as president of the United States, from 2009 until 2017.
08/04/2024 --sunjournal
From geographic balancing to making up for what the presidential candidate lacks, the considerations for picking a vice presidential candidate have changed and evolved since the 19th century.
07/26/2024 --sharonherald
AS of 2014, more than half of Congress members were millionaires. While the cast of characters changes every two years, that figure remains stubbornly around 50%.
07/26/2024 --whittierdailynews
Experts say the song holds a few different meanings and is an excellent attempt at rallying the youth vote.
07/26/2024 --theconversation
Dwight Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan and other avatars of American conservatism wouldn’t recognize it under Trump.
07/24/2024 --rollcall
Chair Gary Peters, D-Mich., helped broker a new version of a bill to ban lawmaker stock trading, which advanced out of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Wednesday.
07/24/2024 --huffpost
The federal minimum wage has remained a mere $7.25 per hour since July 24, 2009. Another hike doesn't look likely anytime soon.
07/23/2024 --magicvalley
Harris stepped onto the national political stage as Obama was leaving. Harris’ first effort showed potential on the debate stage but also involved a struggle to find a core message.
07/21/2024 --huffpost
People were not impressed by screenwriter Aaron Sorkin's pipe dream for the presidential election.
07/21/2024 --hollywoodreporter
Aaron Sorkin offered a re-write for the 2024 election this weekend, suggesting in a New York Times op-ed that the Democratic party nominate Mitt Romney. Sorkin, the Oscar-winning scribe of The Social Network and Emmy-winner for The West Wing, pointed out the similarities between West Wing’s fictitious President Bartlet and the real-life political landscape this [...]
07/20/2024 --huffpost
There's talk that the VP nominee could be part of a GOP realignment on unions. But so far, that “pro-labor” portrayal is at odds with much of his record.
07/17/2024 --kron4
MILWAUKEE – There was the Trump rival turned endorser. There was the union leader making his debut at a Republican convention. There was the hard-line MAGA congressman, and there was the model and reality TV star speaking about becoming a Trump convert. This year’s Republican National Convention (RNC) has had speakers of many stripes: Ones [...]
07/17/2024 --abc4
MILWAUKEE – There was the Trump rival turned endorser. There was the union leader making his debut at a Republican convention. There was the hard-line MAGA congressman, and there was the model and reality TV star speaking about becoming a Trump convert. This year’s Republican National Convention (RNC) has had speakers of many stripes: Ones [...]
07/17/2024 --cbs17
MILWAUKEE – There was the Trump rival turned endorser. There was the union leader making his debut at a Republican convention. There was the hard-line MAGA congressman, and there was the model and reality TV star speaking about becoming a Trump convert. This year’s Republican National Convention (RNC) has had speakers of many stripes: Ones [...]
07/17/2024 --wsav
MILWAUKEE – There was the Trump rival turned endorser. There was the union leader making his debut at a Republican convention. There was the hard-line MAGA congressman, and there was the model and reality TV star speaking about becoming a Trump convert. This year’s Republican National Convention (RNC) has had speakers of many stripes: Ones [...]
07/17/2024 --wfla
MILWAUKEE – There was the Trump rival turned endorser. There was the union leader making his debut at a Republican convention. There was the hard-line MAGA congressman, and there was the model and reality TV star speaking about becoming a Trump convert. This year’s Republican National Convention (RNC) has had speakers of many stripes: Ones [...]
07/17/2024 --foxnews
Former President Donald Trump narrowly survived an assassination attempt on Saturday. All Americans were urged to tone down the rhetoric. For Democrats that idea didn't last long.
07/16/2024 --axios
A significant chunk of the tech industry's money and power is lining up behind former President Trump.Why it matters: Silicon Valley was once solidly Democratic, with just a handful of Republican outliers. Now its red camp is growing and throwing around its weight.Driving the news: Venture capital billionaires Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz each will make donations to Trump's re-election effort, Axios has learned."Techno-optimists" Andreessen and Horowitz are following hot on the heels of Elon Musk's announcement that he would endorse Trump and form a PAC to aid his campaign. Between the lines: Neither Andreessen nor Horowitz is believed to have previously donated to a presidential campaign.Andreessen publicly supported Mitt Romney in 2012, but in 2016 said that he was struggling to decide between a candidate who "doesn't believe in science" (Trump) and one who "doesn't believe in economics" (Hillary Clinton).The Information reported earlier on their planned donations. The intrigue: Andreessen Horowitz, the VC firm the pair co-founded in 2009, said late last year that its partners would begin making donations to political candidates they saw as "advancing technology."A source says that the Trump donations are in that vein — motivated by areas like crypto and AI regulation, without regard to other issues like abortion or the Supreme Court.In short, they believe Trump will be better for tech startups than will Biden, who they believe favors entrenched incumbents.Yes, but: Andreessen sits on the board of Facebook, while Andreessen Horowitz has invested in Microsoft-affiliated OpenAI.The big picture: Silicon Valley, which began with tons of Pentagon funding but lies near the heart of the ultra-liberal San Francisco Bay Area, has always been home to both Democrats and Republicans.The leaders of the industry's giants — from Microsoft and Apple to Google and Facebook — have sought to thrive under presidents from both parties, and rarely taken sides.Trump's first-term anti-immigration policies tested that resolve, with Google co-founder Sergey Brin joining a 2017 protest at San Francisco Airport. The tech workforce is full of skilled workers on visas who flock from around the globe to get a slice of tech wealth. The bottom line: With Trump's fortunes at a high ebb, don't be surprised to see more tech execs join his corner.Go deeper: Musk endorses Trump after shooting at rally
07/16/2024 --axios
Venture capital billionaires Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz each will make donations to former President Trump's election effort, and will lay out their reasoning in a podcast later Tuesday afternoon, Axios has learned.Why it matters: This is part of a small but growing number of tech elites writing checks for Trump, despite Silicon Valley's liberal leanings.Neither Andreessen nor Horowitz is believed to have previously donated to a presidential campaign. Andreessen publicly supported Mitt Romney in 2012, but in 2016 said that he was struggling to decide between a candidate who "doesn't believe in science" (Trump) and one who "doesn't believe in economics" (Hillary Clinton), before ultimately endorsing Clinton.The Information reported earlier on their planned donations.Behind the scenes: Andreessen Horowitz, the VC firm the pair co-founded in 2009, said late last year that its partners would begin making donations to political candidates they saw as "advancing technology."A source says that the Trump donations are in that vein — motivated by areas like crypto and AI regulation, without regard to other issues like abortion or the Supreme Court.In short, they believe Trump will be better for tech startups than will Biden, who they believe favors entrenched incumbents.Yes, but: Andreessen sits on the board of Facebook, while Andreessen Horowitz has invested in Microsoft-affiliated OpenAI. The bottom line: Now that Trump is the frontrunner, don't be surprised to see more tech execs in his corner.Go deeper: Musk endorses Trump after shooting at rallyUpdate: A video version of Andreessen and Horowitz's podcast has been posted.
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