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Chip Roy

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Texas's 21th District
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1100 NE Loop 410
Suite 640
San Antonio TX, 78209-1537
09/04/2024 --dailycaller
'I hope it doesn’t hold up the funding'
09/04/2024 --foxnews
Majority Leader Chuck Schumer responded to a GOP plan to attach a bill mandating proof of citizenship in order to vote to a must-pass short term spending package.
09/04/2024 --foxnews
House Republicans are expected to vote on a stopgap spending bill that House Speaker Mike Johnson is backing sometime this week.
09/04/2024 --rollcall
Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., talks with reporters after his weekly news conference in the Capitol Visitor Center on July 23.
09/03/2024 --foxnews
Rep. Chip Roy is leading the push for House leaders to attach the SAVE Act to a stopgap funding bill to avoid a government shutdown.
09/03/2024 --dailycaller
'Outrageous partisan poison pills is a nonstarter'
08/31/2024 --herald_zeitung
Earlier this year, the Smokehouse Creek wildfire destroyed hundreds of farms and ranches and killed thousands of livestock in North Texas. Many farmers will never recover. Meanwhile, Texas A&M’s 2024 climate report says that “climate change is increasing the number...
08/30/2024 --huffpost
The weapons of war are EVs and references to Menards.
08/26/2024 --foxnews
Reps. Mike Kelly, R-Pa., and Jason Crow, D-Colo., are leading the official probe, which is being paralleled by an unsanctioned group of lawmakers and experts.
08/26/2024 --kron4
Dueling Monday events focused on the assassination attempt against former President Trump highlighted the challenge that the official House task force investigating the attack could have in keeping the effort bipartisan and apolitical. In its first in-person and public official action, members of the bipartisan task force toured the Butler, Pa., Farm Show site where [...]
08/22/2024 --buffalonews
The Erie County Fair was established in 1820 by the Erie County Agricultural Society, which is the oldest civic, community member organization in Erie County.
08/19/2024 --kron4
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) faces a primary challenge on Tuesday as former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and his allies seek revenge against the Republicans who ousted him nearly a year ago. That revenge tour will reach its apex with the multi-million dollar effort to defeat Gaetz, a conservative rabble-rouser who spearheaded the effort to take [...]
08/10/2024 --theepochtimes
Erick Woods Erickson, a U.S. conservative talk radio host, will host the 2024 Gathering from Aug. 9 to 10. The event will feature conservative governors, senators, congressmen, candidates, and others on stage to discuss their opinions on the nation’s future. Schedule: (Aug. 10) 8:45-9:00 – Erick Open 9:00-9:30 – Erick and former Sen. Kelly Loeffler [...]
07/30/2024 --forbes
Meta and Google both admitted moderation errors related to content surrounding the assassination attempt against Trump.
07/26/2024 --theepochtimes
Congress will return to session on Sept. 9 and have 13 days to pass several spending bills that fund the whole federal government.
07/26/2024 --bismarcktribune
Harris’ goal, insiders say, is to keep the process drama-free, as she and Democrats try to project confidence after an extraordinarily tumultuous few weeks.
07/26/2024 --kron4
A number of House Republicans are privately bashing former President Trump’s selection of Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) as his running mate, warning that the pick will not help — and could hurt — the party’s chances of winning in November. The Republicans — speaking to The Hill on the condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive [...]
07/26/2024 --kron4
House Republicans are turning their focus to a debate over whether to fund the government through December or into next year after their hopes of passing 12 full-year funding bills before the August recess collapsed. With no one expecting the annual funding process to be complete by a Sept. 30 shutdown deadline, hard-line conservatives are [...]
07/22/2024 --eastbaytimes
As support coalesces around Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party's nominee for president, the conversation has turned to a potential running mate.
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