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News: The Perils of Project 2025: Replacing Expertise with Political Appointees

Project 2025 Will Increase Big Money Influence

The Perils of Project 2025: Replacing Expertise with Political Appointees

08/25/2024  Matt Abedi

The Perils of Project 2025

Project 2025 aims to empower political appointees to replace career government experts, targeting what some call the "deep state." This term refers to long-serving government employees who possess critical knowledge essential for the smooth operation of their respective institutions.

Current System vs. Project 2025

Currently, changes in administration lead to the replacement of department heads who guide experienced staff towards achieving new goals. Project 2025 proposes allowing politicians to replace these experts with appointees aligned with their political agendas.

The Risks to Critical Departments

Consider the Department of Agriculture, which employs entomologists to study insects and protect crops from pests. Under Project 2025, a political appointee with no entomological expertise could replace these scientists. If this appointee ignored the negative effects of a pesticide due to political pressure or corporate influence, it could lead to crop failures, disrupting the food supply and increasing food prices.

Similarly, imagine a political appointee from the insurance industry running Medicare or Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits. Such an appointee might deliberately undermine these programs to favor private insurance companies, reducing the quality of care for millions of Americans.

The Core Issue: Politicization of Bureaucracy

While bureaucrats, like all individuals, have personal political views, their primary allegiance is to their expertise and the public good. Allowing political appointees to override this expertise threatens to replace truth and competency with political loyalty and corporate interests.

The Influence of Big Money

Project 2025 could vastly increase the influence of wealthy individuals and corporations over the government. Political appointees might prioritize the interests of their benefactors over those of ordinary citizens, exacerbating inequality and undermining democratic governance.

VoteDown's Commitment

At VoteDown, we believe in holding politicians accountable to prevent policies like Project 2025. Our mission is to ensure that government decisions are driven by expertise and the public interest, not by political or corporate agendas. We advocate for a system where the voices of ordinary citizens outweigh the influence of big money in shaping our government’s policies and actions.

Join us in the fight to maintain a government that truly serves the people, by empowering experts and ensuring accountability in our political system. Together, we can protect the integrity of our democracy and ensure that it remains responsive to the needs of all Americans.